Class Grammar

    • Field Detail


        public static final String INVALID_TOKEN_NAME
        This value is used in the following situations to indicate that a token type does not have an associated name which can be directly referenced in a grammar.
        • This value is the name and display name for the token with type Token.INVALID_TYPE.
        • This value is the name for tokens with a type not represented by a named token. The display name for these tokens is simply the string representation of the token type as an integer.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String INVALID_RULE_NAME
        This value is used as the name for elements in the array returned by getRuleNames() for indexes not associated with a rule.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • parserOptions

        public static final Set<String> parserOptions
      • lexerOptions

        public static final Set<String> lexerOptions
      • lexerRuleOptions

        public static final Set<String> lexerRuleOptions
      • parseRuleOptions

        public static final Set<String> parseRuleOptions
      • parserBlockOptions

        public static final Set<String> parserBlockOptions
      • lexerBlockOptions

        public static final Set<String> lexerBlockOptions
      • ruleRefOptions

        public static final Set<String> ruleRefOptions
        Legal options for rule refs like id<key=value>
      • tokenOptions

        public static final Set<String> tokenOptions
        Legal options for terminal refs like ID<assoc=right>
      • actionOptions

        public static final Set<String> actionOptions
      • semPredOptions

        public static final Set<String> semPredOptions
      • doNotCopyOptionsToLexer

        public static final Set<String> doNotCopyOptionsToLexer
      • grammarAndLabelRefTypeToScope

        public static final Map<String,​AttributeDict> grammarAndLabelRefTypeToScope
      • tokenStream

        public final org.antlr.runtime.TokenStream tokenStream
        Track token stream used to create this grammar
      • originalTokenStream

        public org.antlr.runtime.TokenStream originalTokenStream
        If we transform grammar, track original unaltered token stream. This is set to the same value as tokenStream when tokenStream is initially set. If this field differs from tokenStream, then we have transformed the grammar.
      • fileName

        public String fileName
      • implicitLexer

        public LexerGrammar implicitLexer
        Was this parser grammar created from a COMBINED grammar? If so, this is what we extracted.
      • originalGrammar

        public Grammar originalGrammar
        If this is an extracted/implicit lexer, we point at original grammar
      • parent

        public Grammar parent
        If we're imported, who imported us? If null, implies grammar is root
      • importedGrammars

        public List<Grammar> importedGrammars
      • rules

        public OrderedHashMap<String,​Rule> rules
        All rules defined in this specific grammar, not imported. Also does not include lexical rules if combined.
      • indexToRule

        public List<Rule> indexToRule
      • atn

        public ATN atn
        The ATN that represents the grammar with edges labelled with tokens or epsilon. It is more suitable to analysis than an AST representation.
      • tool

        public final Tool tool
      • tokenNameToTypeMap

        public final Map<String,​Integer> tokenNameToTypeMap
        Map token like ID (but not literals like 'while') to its token type.
      • stringLiteralToTypeMap

        public final Map<String,​Integer> stringLiteralToTypeMap
        Map token literals like 'while' to its token type. It may be that WHILE="while"=35, in which case both tokenNameToTypeMap and this field will have entries both mapped to 35.
      • typeToStringLiteralList

        public final List<String> typeToStringLiteralList
        Reverse index for stringLiteralToTypeMap. Indexed with raw token type. 0 is invalid.
      • typeToTokenList

        public final List<String> typeToTokenList
        Map a token type to its token name. Indexed with raw token type. 0 is invalid.
      • channelNameToValueMap

        public final Map<String,​Integer> channelNameToValueMap
        Map channel like COMMENTS_CHANNEL to its constant channel value. Only user-defined channels are defined in this map.
      • channelValueToNameList

        public final List<String> channelValueToNameList
        Map a constant channel value to its name. Indexed with raw channel value. The predefined channels Token.DEFAULT_CHANNEL and Token.HIDDEN_CHANNEL are not stored in this list, so the values at the corresponding indexes is null.
      • namedActions

        public Map<String,​ActionAST> namedActions
        Map a name to an action. The code generator will use this to fill holes in the output files. I track the AST node for the action in case I need the line number for errors.
      • lexerActions

        public LinkedHashMap<ActionAST,​Integer> lexerActions
        Tracks all user lexer actions in all alternatives of all rules. Doesn't track sempreds. maps tree node to action index (alt number 1..n).
      • sempreds

        public LinkedHashMap<PredAST,​Integer> sempreds
        All sempreds found in grammar; maps tree node to sempred index; sempred index is 0..n-1
    • Constructor Detail

      • Grammar

        public Grammar​(String grammarText)
                throws org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException
        For testing
      • Grammar

        public Grammar​(String grammarText,
                       LexerGrammar tokenVocabSource)
                throws org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException
      • Grammar

        public Grammar​(String grammarText,
                       ANTLRToolListener listener)
                throws org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException
        For testing
      • Grammar

        public Grammar​(String fileName,
                       String grammarText)
                throws org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException
        For testing; builds trees, does sem anal
      • Grammar

        public Grammar​(String fileName,
                       String grammarText,
                       ANTLRToolListener listener)
                throws org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException
        For testing; builds trees, does sem anal
      • Grammar

        public Grammar​(String fileName,
                       String grammarText,
                       Grammar tokenVocabSource,
                       ANTLRToolListener listener)
                throws org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException
        For testing; builds trees, does sem anal
    • Method Detail

      • initTokenSymbolTables

        protected void initTokenSymbolTables()
      • loadImportedGrammars

        public void loadImportedGrammars()
      • defineAction

        public void defineAction​(GrammarAST atAST)
      • defineRule

        public boolean defineRule​(Rule r)
        Define the specified rule in the grammar. This method assigns the rule's Rule.index according to the ruleNumber field, and adds the Rule instance to rules and indexToRule.
        r - The rule to define in the grammar.
        true if the rule was added to the Grammar instance; otherwise, false if a rule with this name already existed in the grammar instance.
      • undefineRule

        public boolean undefineRule​(Rule r)
        Undefine the specified rule from this Grammar instance. The instance r is removed from rules and indexToRule. This method updates the Rule.index field for all rules defined after r, and decrements ruleNumber in preparation for adding new rules.

        This method does nothing if the current Grammar does not contain the instance r at index r.index in indexToRule.

        r -
        true if the rule was removed from the Grammar instance; otherwise, false if the specified rule was not defined in the grammar.
      • getATN

        public ATN getATN()
      • getRule

        public Rule getRule​(int index)
      • getAllImportedGrammars

        public List<Grammar> getAllImportedGrammars()
        Get list of all imports from all grammars in the delegate subtree of g. The grammars are in import tree preorder. Don't include ourselves in list as we're not a delegate of ourselves.
      • getImportedGrammars

        public List<Grammar> getImportedGrammars()
      • load

        public static Grammar load​(String fileName)
        convenience method for Tool.loadGrammar()
      • getGrammarAncestors

        public List<Grammar> getGrammarAncestors()
        Return list of imported grammars from root down to our parent. Order is [root, ..., this.parent]. (us not included).
      • getOutermostGrammar

        public Grammar getOutermostGrammar()
        Return the grammar that imported us and our parents. Return this if we're root.
      • getRecognizerName

        public String getRecognizerName()
        Get the name of the generated recognizer; may or may not be same as grammar name. Recognizer is TParser and TLexer from T if combined, else just use T regardless of grammar type.
      • getStringLiteralLexerRuleName

        public String getStringLiteralLexerRuleName​(String lit)
      • getImportedGrammar

        public Grammar getImportedGrammar​(String name)
        Return grammar directly imported by this grammar
      • getTokenType

        public int getTokenType​(String token)
      • getTokenName

        public String getTokenName​(String literal)
      • getTokenDisplayName

        public String getTokenDisplayName​(int ttype)
        Given a token type, get a meaningful name for it such as the ID or string literal. If this is a lexer and the ttype is in the char vocabulary, compute an ANTLR-valid (possibly escaped) char literal.
      • getTokenName

        public String getTokenName​(int ttype)
        Gets the name by which a token can be referenced in the generated code. For tokens defined in a tokens{} block or via a lexer rule, this is the declared name of the token. For token types generated by the use of a string literal within a parser rule of a combined grammar, this is the automatically generated token type which includes the AUTO_GENERATED_TOKEN_NAME_PREFIX prefix. For types which are not associated with a defined token, this method returns INVALID_TOKEN_NAME.
        ttype - The token type.
        The name of the token with the specified type.
      • getChannelValue

        public int getChannelValue​(String channel)
        Gets the constant channel value for a user-defined channel.

        This method only returns channel values for user-defined channels. All other channels, including the predefined channels Token.DEFAULT_CHANNEL and Token.HIDDEN_CHANNEL along with any channel defined in code (e.g. in a @members{} block), are ignored.

        channel - The channel name.
        The channel value, if channel is the name of a known user-defined token channel; otherwise, -1.
      • getRuleNames

        public String[] getRuleNames()
        Gets an array of rule names for rules defined or imported by the grammar. The array index is the rule index, and the value is the name of the rule with the corresponding Rule.index.

        If no rule is defined with an index for an element of the resulting array, the value of that element is INVALID_RULE_NAME.

        The names of all rules defined in the grammar.
      • getTokenNames

        public String[] getTokenNames()
        Gets an array of token names for tokens defined or imported by the grammar. The array index is the token type, and the value is the result of getTokenName(java.lang.String) for the corresponding token type.
        The token names of all tokens defined in the grammar.
        See Also:
      • getTokenDisplayNames

        public String[] getTokenDisplayNames()
        Gets an array of display names for tokens defined or imported by the grammar. The array index is the token type, and the value is the result of getTokenDisplayName(int) for the corresponding token type.
        The display names of all tokens defined in the grammar.
        See Also:
      • getTokenLiteralNames

        public String[] getTokenLiteralNames()
        Gets the literal names assigned to tokens in the grammar.
      • getTokenSymbolicNames

        public String[] getTokenSymbolicNames()
        Gets the symbolic names assigned to tokens in the grammar.
      • getVocabulary

        public Vocabulary getVocabulary()
        Gets a Vocabulary instance describing the vocabulary used by the grammar.
      • getSemanticContextDisplayString

        public String getSemanticContextDisplayString​(SemanticContext semctx)
        Given an arbitrarily complex SemanticContext, walk the "tree" and get display string. Pull predicates from grammar text.
      • getMaxCharValue

        public int getMaxCharValue()
        What is the max char value possible for this grammar's target? Use unicode max if no target defined.
      • getTokenTypes

        public IntSet getTokenTypes()
        Return a set of all possible token or char types for this grammar
      • getAllCharValues

        public IntSet getAllCharValues()
        Return min to max char as defined by the target. If no target, use max unicode char value.
      • getMaxTokenType

        public int getMaxTokenType()
        How many token types have been allocated so far?
      • getNewTokenType

        public int getNewTokenType()
        Return a new unique integer in the token type space
      • getNewChannelNumber

        public int getNewChannelNumber()
        Return a new unique integer in the channel value space.
      • importTokensFromTokensFile

        public void importTokensFromTokensFile()
      • importVocab

        public void importVocab​(Grammar importG)
      • defineTokenName

        public int defineTokenName​(String name)
      • defineTokenName

        public int defineTokenName​(String name,
                                   int ttype)
      • defineStringLiteral

        public int defineStringLiteral​(String lit)
      • defineStringLiteral

        public int defineStringLiteral​(String lit,
                                       int ttype)
      • defineTokenAlias

        public int defineTokenAlias​(String name,
                                    String lit)
      • setTokenForType

        public void setTokenForType​(int ttype,
                                    String text)
      • defineChannelName

        public int defineChannelName​(String name)
        Define a token channel with a specified name.

        If a channel with the specified name already exists, the previously assigned channel value is returned.

        name - The channel name.
        The constant channel value assigned to the channel.
      • defineChannelName

        public int defineChannelName​(String name,
                                     int value)
        Define a token channel with a specified name.

        If a channel with the specified name already exists, the previously assigned channel value is not altered.

        name - The channel name.
        The constant channel value assigned to the channel.
      • setChannelNameForValue

        public void setChannelNameForValue​(int channelValue,
                                           String name)
        Sets the channel name associated with a particular channel value.

        If a name has already been assigned to the channel with constant value channelValue, this method does nothing.

        channelValue - The constant value for the channel.
        name - The channel name.
      • getDefaultActionScope

        public String getDefaultActionScope()
        Given a grammar type, what should be the default action scope? If I say @members in a COMBINED grammar, for example, the default scope should be "parser".
      • getType

        public int getType()
      • getTokenStream

        public org.antlr.runtime.TokenStream getTokenStream()
      • isLexer

        public boolean isLexer()
      • isParser

        public boolean isParser()
      • isCombined

        public boolean isCombined()
      • isTokenName

        public static boolean isTokenName​(String id)
        Is id a valid token name? Does id start with an uppercase letter?
      • getTypeString

        public String getTypeString()
      • getGrammarTypeToFileNameSuffix

        public static String getGrammarTypeToFileNameSuffix​(int type)
      • getLanguage

        public String getLanguage()
      • getOptionString

        public String getOptionString​(String key)
      • setNodeOptions

        public static void setNodeOptions​(GrammarAST node,
                                          GrammarAST options)
        Given ^(TOKEN_REF ^(OPTIONS ^(ELEMENT_OPTIONS (= assoc right)))) set option assoc=right in TOKEN_REF.
      • getStringLiterals

        public Set<String> getStringLiterals()
      • setLookaheadDFA

        public void setLookaheadDFA​(int decision,
                                    DFA lookaheadDFA)
      • getStateToGrammarRegion

        public Interval getStateToGrammarRegion​(int atnStateNumber)
        Given an ATN state number, return the token index range within the grammar from which that ATN state was derived.