Class DefaultErrorStrategy

    • Field Detail

      • errorRecoveryMode

        protected boolean errorRecoveryMode
        Indicates whether the error strategy is currently "recovering from an error". This is used to suppress reporting multiple error messages while attempting to recover from a detected syntax error.
        See Also:
      • lastErrorIndex

        protected int lastErrorIndex
        The index into the input stream where the last error occurred. This is used to prevent infinite loops where an error is found but no token is consumed during recovery...another error is found, ad nauseum. This is a failsafe mechanism to guarantee that at least one token/tree node is consumed for two errors.
      • lastErrorStates

        protected IntervalSet lastErrorStates
      • nextTokensContext

        protected ParserRuleContext nextTokensContext
        This field is used to propagate information about the lookahead following the previous match. Since prediction prefers completing the current rule to error recovery efforts, error reporting may occur later than the original point where it was discoverable. The original context is used to compute the true expected sets as though the reporting occurred as early as possible.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultErrorStrategy

        public DefaultErrorStrategy()
    • Method Detail

      • beginErrorCondition

        protected void beginErrorCondition​(Parser recognizer)
        This method is called to enter error recovery mode when a recognition exception is reported.
        recognizer - the parser instance
      • endErrorCondition

        protected void endErrorCondition​(Parser recognizer)
        This method is called to leave error recovery mode after recovering from a recognition exception.
        recognizer -
      • sync

        public void sync​(Parser recognizer)
                  throws RecognitionException
        The default implementation of ANTLRErrorStrategy.sync(org.antlr.v4.runtime.Parser) makes sure that the current lookahead symbol is consistent with what were expecting at this point in the ATN. You can call this anytime but ANTLR only generates code to check before subrules/loops and each iteration.

        Implements Jim Idle's magic sync mechanism in closures and optional subrules. E.g.,

         a : sync ( stuff sync )* ;
         sync : {consume to what can follow sync} ;
        At the start of a sub rule upon error, sync(org.antlr.v4.runtime.Parser) performs single token deletion, if possible. If it can't do that, it bails on the current rule and uses the default error recovery, which consumes until the resynchronization set of the current rule.

        If the sub rule is optional ((...)?, (...)*, or block with an empty alternative), then the expected set includes what follows the subrule.

        During loop iteration, it consumes until it sees a token that can start a sub rule or what follows loop. Yes, that is pretty aggressive. We opt to stay in the loop as long as possible.


        Previous versions of ANTLR did a poor job of their recovery within loops. A single mismatch token or missing token would force the parser to bail out of the entire rules surrounding the loop. So, for rule

         classDef : 'class' ID '{' member* '}'
        input with an extra token between members would force the parser to consume until it found the next class definition rather than the next member definition of the current class.

        This functionality cost a little bit of effort because the parser has to compare token set at the start of the loop and at each iteration. If for some reason speed is suffering for you, you can turn off this functionality by simply overriding this method as a blank { }.

        Specified by:
        sync in interface ANTLRErrorStrategy
        recognizer - the parser instance
        RecognitionException - if an error is detected by the error strategy but cannot be automatically recovered at the current state in the parsing process
        See Also:
      • reportUnwantedToken

        protected void reportUnwantedToken​(Parser recognizer)
        This method is called to report a syntax error which requires the removal of a token from the input stream. At the time this method is called, the erroneous symbol is current LT(1) symbol and has not yet been removed from the input stream. When this method returns, recognizer is in error recovery mode.

        This method is called when singleTokenDeletion(org.antlr.v4.runtime.Parser) identifies single-token deletion as a viable recovery strategy for a mismatched input error.

        The default implementation simply returns if the handler is already in error recovery mode. Otherwise, it calls beginErrorCondition(org.antlr.v4.runtime.Parser) to enter error recovery mode, followed by calling Parser.notifyErrorListeners(java.lang.String).

        recognizer - the parser instance
      • reportMissingToken

        protected void reportMissingToken​(Parser recognizer)
        This method is called to report a syntax error which requires the insertion of a missing token into the input stream. At the time this method is called, the missing token has not yet been inserted. When this method returns, recognizer is in error recovery mode.

        This method is called when singleTokenInsertion(org.antlr.v4.runtime.Parser) identifies single-token insertion as a viable recovery strategy for a mismatched input error.

        The default implementation simply returns if the handler is already in error recovery mode. Otherwise, it calls beginErrorCondition(org.antlr.v4.runtime.Parser) to enter error recovery mode, followed by calling Parser.notifyErrorListeners(java.lang.String).

        recognizer - the parser instance
      • recoverInline

        public Token recoverInline​(Parser recognizer)
                            throws RecognitionException
        This method is called when an unexpected symbol is encountered during an inline match operation, such as Parser.match(int). If the error strategy successfully recovers from the match failure, this method returns the Token instance which should be treated as the successful result of the match.

        This method handles the consumption of any tokens - the caller should not call Parser.consume() after a successful recovery.

        Note that the calling code will not report an error if this method returns successfully. The error strategy implementation is responsible for calling Parser.notifyErrorListeners(java.lang.String) as appropriate.

        The default implementation attempts to recover from the mismatched input by using single token insertion and deletion as described below. If the recovery attempt fails, this method throws an InputMismatchException.

        EXTRA TOKEN (single token deletion)

        LA(1) is not what we are looking for. If LA(2) has the right token, however, then assume LA(1) is some extra spurious token and delete it. Then consume and return the next token (which was the LA(2) token) as the successful result of the match operation.

        This recovery strategy is implemented by singleTokenDeletion(org.antlr.v4.runtime.Parser).

        MISSING TOKEN (single token insertion)

        If current token (at LA(1)) is consistent with what could come after the expected LA(1) token, then assume the token is missing and use the parser's TokenFactory to create it on the fly. The "insertion" is performed by returning the created token as the successful result of the match operation.

        This recovery strategy is implemented by singleTokenInsertion(org.antlr.v4.runtime.Parser).


        For example, Input i=(3; is clearly missing the ')'. When the parser returns from the nested call to expr, it will have call chain:

         stat → expr → atom
        and it will be trying to match the ')' at this point in the derivation:
         => ID '=' '(' INT ')' ('+' atom)* ';'
        The attempt to match ')' will fail when it sees ';' and call recoverInline(org.antlr.v4.runtime.Parser). To recover, it sees that LA(1)==';' is in the set of tokens that can follow the ')' token reference in rule atom. It can assume that you forgot the ')'.
        Specified by:
        recoverInline in interface ANTLRErrorStrategy
        recognizer - the parser instance
        RecognitionException - if the error strategy was not able to recover from the unexpected input symbol
      • singleTokenInsertion

        protected boolean singleTokenInsertion​(Parser recognizer)
        This method implements the single-token insertion inline error recovery strategy. It is called by recoverInline(org.antlr.v4.runtime.Parser) if the single-token deletion strategy fails to recover from the mismatched input. If this method returns true, recognizer will be in error recovery mode.

        This method determines whether or not single-token insertion is viable by checking if the LA(1) input symbol could be successfully matched if it were instead the LA(2) symbol. If this method returns true, the caller is responsible for creating and inserting a token with the correct type to produce this behavior.

        recognizer - the parser instance
        true if single-token insertion is a viable recovery strategy for the current mismatched input, otherwise false
      • singleTokenDeletion

        protected Token singleTokenDeletion​(Parser recognizer)
        This method implements the single-token deletion inline error recovery strategy. It is called by recoverInline(org.antlr.v4.runtime.Parser) to attempt to recover from mismatched input. If this method returns null, the parser and error handler state will not have changed. If this method returns non-null, recognizer will not be in error recovery mode since the returned token was a successful match.

        If the single-token deletion is successful, this method calls reportUnwantedToken(org.antlr.v4.runtime.Parser) to report the error, followed by Parser.consume() to actually "delete" the extraneous token. Then, before returning reportMatch(org.antlr.v4.runtime.Parser) is called to signal a successful match.

        recognizer - the parser instance
        the successfully matched Token instance if single-token deletion successfully recovers from the mismatched input, otherwise null
      • getMissingSymbol

        protected Token getMissingSymbol​(Parser recognizer)
        Conjure up a missing token during error recovery. The recognizer attempts to recover from single missing symbols. But, actions might refer to that missing symbol. For example, x=ID {f($x);}. The action clearly assumes that there has been an identifier matched previously and that $x points at that token. If that token is missing, but the next token in the stream is what we want we assume that this token is missing and we keep going. Because we have to return some token to replace the missing token, we have to conjure one up. This method gives the user control over the tokens returned for missing tokens. Mostly, you will want to create something special for identifier tokens. For literals such as '{' and ',', the default action in the parser or tree parser works. It simply creates a CommonToken of the appropriate type. The text will be the token. If you change what tokens must be created by the lexer, override this method to create the appropriate tokens.
      • getTokenErrorDisplay

        protected String getTokenErrorDisplay​(Token t)
        How should a token be displayed in an error message? The default is to display just the text, but during development you might want to have a lot of information spit out. Override in that case to use t.toString() (which, for CommonToken, dumps everything about the token). This is better than forcing you to override a method in your token objects because you don't have to go modify your lexer so that it creates a new Java type.
      • getSymbolText

        protected String getSymbolText​(Token symbol)
      • getSymbolType

        protected int getSymbolType​(Token symbol)
      • escapeWSAndQuote

        protected String escapeWSAndQuote​(String s)
      • getErrorRecoverySet

        protected IntervalSet getErrorRecoverySet​(Parser recognizer)
      • consumeUntil

        protected void consumeUntil​(Parser recognizer,
                                    IntervalSet set)
        Consume tokens until one matches the given token set.