Class LL1Analyzer

  • public class LL1Analyzer
    extends Object
    • Field Detail

      • HIT_PRED

        public static final int HIT_PRED
        Special value added to the lookahead sets to indicate that we hit a predicate during analysis if seeThruPreds==false.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • atn

        public final ATN atn
    • Constructor Detail

      • LL1Analyzer

        public LL1Analyzer​(ATN atn)
    • Method Detail

      • getDecisionLookahead

        public IntervalSet[] getDecisionLookahead​(ATNState s)
        Calculates the SLL(1) expected lookahead set for each outgoing transition of an ATNState. The returned array has one element for each outgoing transition in s. If the closure from transition i leads to a semantic predicate before matching a symbol, the element at index i of the result will be null.
        s - the ATN state
        the expected symbols for each outgoing transition of s.
      • LOOK

        public IntervalSet LOOK​(ATNState s,
                                RuleContext ctx)
        Compute set of tokens that can follow s in the ATN in the specified ctx.

        If ctx is null and the end of the rule containing s is reached, Token.EPSILON is added to the result set. If ctx is not null and the end of the outermost rule is reached, Token.EOF is added to the result set.

        s - the ATN state
        ctx - the complete parser context, or null if the context should be ignored
        The set of tokens that can follow s in the ATN in the specified ctx.
      • LOOK

        public IntervalSet LOOK​(ATNState s,
                                ATNState stopState,
                                RuleContext ctx)
        Compute set of tokens that can follow s in the ATN in the specified ctx.

        If ctx is null and the end of the rule containing s is reached, Token.EPSILON is added to the result set. If ctx is not null and the end of the outermost rule is reached, Token.EOF is added to the result set.

        s - the ATN state
        stopState - the ATN state to stop at. This can be a BlockEndState to detect epsilon paths through a closure.
        ctx - the complete parser context, or null if the context should be ignored
        The set of tokens that can follow s in the ATN in the specified ctx.
      • _LOOK

        protected void _LOOK​(ATNState s,
                             ATNState stopState,
                             PredictionContext ctx,
                             IntervalSet look,
                             Set<ATNConfig> lookBusy,
                             BitSet calledRuleStack,
                             boolean seeThruPreds,
                             boolean addEOF)
        Compute set of tokens that can follow s in the ATN in the specified ctx.

        If ctx is null and stopState or the end of the rule containing s is reached, Token.EPSILON is added to the result set. If ctx is not null and addEOF is true and stopState or the end of the outermost rule is reached, Token.EOF is added to the result set.

        s - the ATN state.
        stopState - the ATN state to stop at. This can be a BlockEndState to detect epsilon paths through a closure.
        ctx - The outer context, or null if the outer context should not be used.
        look - The result lookahead set.
        lookBusy - A set used for preventing epsilon closures in the ATN from causing a stack overflow. Outside code should pass new HashSet<ATNConfig> for this argument.
        calledRuleStack - A set used for preventing left recursion in the ATN from causing a stack overflow. Outside code should pass new BitSet() for this argument.
        seeThruPreds - true to true semantic predicates as implicitly true and "see through them", otherwise false to treat semantic predicates as opaque and add HIT_PRED to the result if one is encountered.
        addEOF - Add Token.EOF to the result if the end of the outermost context is reached. This parameter has no effect if ctx is null.